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Old 04-06-2007, 08:29 PM
majesty2009 majesty2009 is offline
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Default Best Way To Appraise Property R-13 Lot

I have 1 acre of land in San Diego. I just had it appraised and the guy said its worth between $780-$810. He looked at similar properties in the area, but I'm not sure if I agree with this appraisal.

The property will be used to build condos. That is its main value. The property that is identical next door sold for $650,000. That was in 2003. The property across the street sold for $485,000 this year and its half the size. Also the people who purchased the property next door want to purchase mine so they can build a complexe on both and I assume this will save them a large amount of money when they go to build.

I would think that you would double the $485,000 since that was the latest sale in the area. I dont know why I would take less per square foot on a more desirable property.

Also any suggestions on getting an appraisal. I didnt know who to use so I just looked someone up in the yellow pages. Also I am not sure where to advertise. I dont think the house trader is the best because this is an developement R-13 property that will be used for a condo project. Should I just contact developers. Any advice would help.
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