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Old 04-06-2007, 04:04 PM
hmkpoker hmkpoker is offline
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Default Re: does ACism require \"strategic thinking?\"

I agree that people don't need to understand the market to benefit from it -- however, those same people may look at the wealth it has created and say "Wow -- if only we could redistribute all this wealth to the poor!" and vote for it to happen (rather than to let wealth generate more wealth, which would do more to improve the society over the long-term).

So it bothers me to some extent that ACism may be unstable due to the relatively small number of "strategic thinkers" in a society.

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Strategic thinking is a plus, but it really isn't necessary. In Southern American hick towns, libertarian values are prevalent and the people are just as stupid as the Bolsheviks. "Hey you! Git off mah property before I blow your cotton-pickin' head off!" "That there's my sister; anyone gonna have sex with her it's gonna be me!"

However, absolutely no more than this is necessary for capitalism to work. Look at the black market. Ever dealt with a drug dealer? They're morons. They are incredibly unreliable and often have no comprehension of the product they're selling (I'd say about 80% of pot dealers don't even know whether their weed is an indica or a sativa.) No one in the black market can coordinate large, hierachical structures. In fact, almost no one ever knows the whole chain from production to consumption. Weed will usually pass through four or five middle men before it gets to your bowl, and no one really knows who all these middle men are; they just know who they get it from, and who they give it to. The ONLY thing that these morons understand is property. Weed is restricted in supply, and money must be exchanged for it. Poor business dealings will result in terminated connections.

And that's all that's necessary to deliver a completely illegal product to pretty much any town in America. There is no planning or even any comprehension of the distributive structure. It just happens.
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