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Old 04-06-2007, 06:05 AM
nanochip nanochip is offline
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Default Re: Full Tilt Shortcuts - new ahk script

New Beta Test Version 0.56 4/06/07

1. Added code to keep the FT table size the same, even if the user changes the Title Bar heigth or window border size. The window size will change, but the playing area of the table will remain the same. This will allow images and positions on the table to remain constant, even if the user changes the title bar and border size for windows.

Version 0.55 changes

1. Added set of images for Windows Vista, and the code now detects the operating system
2. Added more options for opening SnG tables.
3. Changed the highlighter so that it does not steal focus.
4. Changed the highlighter so that you can still move the table.
5. Changed the highlighter so that it is a more "intense" red color.
6. Potentially fixed problem where Hero's stack would not read correctly

Check this version to see if helps those of you who were having problems with reading the Hero's stack size and Auto-Reload.

There are now 2 images folders: ImagesXP and ImagesVista. Make sure these folders show up in your main FTS folder after you install this version.

Let me know is this version helped with these issues.

Download zip here .
Download self extracting .exe here .
Documentation is here .
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