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Old 02-21-2006, 09:31 AM
Felix_Nietzsche Felix_Nietzsche is offline
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Default In Defense of Andrew Jackson (again!)

Jackson. He believed in Constitutional limitations of federal power, paid off the national debt, killed a lot of indigenous people , and put Congress in their place. Too bad it didn't take.
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Yep and thank god. The indians he killed off weren't exactly peace-nik-hippie-indians smoking pot and singing love songs. The Creeks Indians were one of the most blood-thirsty-murderous-scum indians on North America. Jackson ****ed them up. Why should Jackson apologize for being a better killer than the indians were? These indians used terror, torture, and murder to futher themselves. Excuse me if I don't cry for them. Also the British deserve some blame because they paid the indians for the scalps of American settlers (men and women) and many American indian tribes used scalp collecting as a source of revenue.

The Seminoles that attacked from Spanish Florida murdering settlers and then retreated to the "safety" of Spanish Florida. They soon found out that Jackson didn't care much about international borders and he exacted pay-back with COMPOUND INTEREST.

You are a victim of the political correct white-washing of American History. Jackson DESERVES his place on the $20 bill. He earned it. I wish we had an Andy Johnson to lead us on the war-on-terror. Those Arabs wouldn't last a year....
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