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Old 04-05-2007, 12:24 PM
Mondogarage Mondogarage is offline
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Default Re: Stop talking about the games getting harder...

Okay, so "lie" is probably too strong a word, but what you're really encouraging is for players to try to sell outsiders on the idea that this is still the go-go growth era of 2003-2006, and that's just rank BS.

Why? Because it *is* more difficult and inconvenient to deposit/withdraw (especially the latter), because there ARE more and more HUDBOTS, and those using artificial aids, because there ARE now more rocks than before at higher levels.

Does that make me any less positive and excited about the game? Of course not. I work to improve my skills daily, and the process is the thing. However, that does not alter the reality of the situation, and failure to recognize it for what it is, will doom one to foolishness.

"the more people playing poker, the less authority the government has to do anything about it" is patently incorrect. The government has the authority the government has. They've done a *very* successful job at making the financial transactions end of this very inconvenient. I've already had to change payment processors twice since UIGEA to deposit. Thankfully, I cleaned out my Neteller funds before they pulled the plug. However, no matter how much you tell prospective new players that nothing's changed, that does not alter the fact that everything *has* changed.

Why do you think there are less players now than before? How do you explain the lower numbers of people seeing flops?
How do you explain all the weeks and months-long delays in people getting withdrawals?
How do you explain all the poker sites that have left the US market?

So you propose we just ignore all that actual evidence and tell people "hey, the water's just fine"?

What will encourage new players is actual changes in current law, and actual changes in the actions of the poker sites still doing business in the US. You or I telling Joe Schmoe that today is same as it ever was, will not. Not the first time they find out they have to get a new ePassporte VISA, or trudge down to a Walgreens for a gift card that might or might not work, or send money through a Honduran 3rd party, etc., etc.

In the meantime, just look at this as an opportunity to improve your game. Because if you can beat the new, harder game regularly, then if and when such time comes that the fish can easily jump into the pool, that time will become quite profitable indeed.
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