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Old 04-05-2007, 01:59 AM
MicroBob MicroBob is offline
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Default Re: How much of a dick am I?

i'm kind of surprised you are all taking he kid's side here.
All he had to do was tell the lady to stop using his spot to turn around because it was making him late and also remind her that they aren't allowed to drop-off there in the first place.

Instead he blocks her in and then sits there for 5 minutes doing nothing.
She may have just been waiting for you to finish whatever you were doing or she thought you were waiting for some other car to back out or something.

I think it's unfair to expect the lady to react calmly when you just leave the car there and walk off when she knows that you see her.

Yeah, so she used the space inappropriately several times in the past.
This was the first time OP had even attempted to do anything about it and he big-time over-reacted.

Looks like NT! and I are mostly in agreement on this one.
OP's wrong is worse than the lady's wrong.
She very possibly corrects her behavior with just one attempt to bring it to her attention.

I think that intentionally leaving a car there for 15 minutes (would have been longer if not for them making him move the car) is the greater evil when compared to her simply pulling-in and backing-out in that space too many damn times.

OP gets many more points in my book though for his superior MS-Paint drawing and seems to be conducting himself reasonably intelligently in the subsequent discussion on here.
A written apology seems silly on one hand...but leaving the car there and totally blocking her in for 15 minutes intentionally may actually make it warranted.

It might not be because she's got a soph daughter at this school.
It might just be that the school is trying to discipline what they see as kind of a punkish, disrespectful act from a 17-year-old.
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