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Old 04-05-2007, 12:17 AM
David H David H is offline
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Default How much of a dick am I?

Cliff Notes at the bottom.

Here's the deal. At my school, there are two parking lots. One is known as the Upper Lot(much bigger, designated drop off/pick up area for students who can't drive) and the other is the Lower Lot(smaller, crappier). Parents are not allowed to drop their students off in the lower lot.

I park in the lower lot. Every day, many parents drop their kids off in the lower lot, despite the fact that they are not allowed to. Now, because they are turning around and/or stopping when dropping their children off, it becomes a huge inconvenience for people actually parking in this lot.

Quite often(maybe 3 or 4 times a month), there is a lady who uses my spot to turn around(this lot is very narrow, the only way to turn around is to pull into a spot and then back out) . We arrive at school at approximately the same time, so I have to wait for her to pull into my spot, back out, and get out of my way so I can park. This usually takes a few minutes, which causes me to be late sometimes(since I get to school about 3 minutes before homeroom, on average)

Now, this pisses me off, but until today, I hadn't done anything about it. This morning I pull in, and as I approach my spot, this lady goes into my spot. I pull up right behind her and sit there. After about 5 minutes, she has not approached me or beeped or anything. Beside the fact that she didn't move her car, she basically hasn't acknowledged my presence at all.

At this point, I put my car in park and begin to walk away. As soon as I get out of my car, this lady jumps out of her van and says "Are you going to move so that I can back out?"
I respond "Well, that's my spot"
She says "I'm just using it to turn around. I drop my kid off down here every day."
I tell her "I know you do. But you aren't allowed to do that."
She responds, "A ton of other people do it"(yes a grown lady is using this argument)
So I say, "Well, that doesn't mean you can do it."
So she says, "I don't care!"
I tell her "Then I don't care either" and walk away, leaving her blocked in.

10-15 minutes a guidance counselor finds me and tells me to move my car, because this lady complained. So I go back out, move my car, and go back inside. Later in the day, the student moderator explains to me that what she did was wrong, but my response was not appropriate(I'm not denying this, I know I didn't take the recommended course of action).

Because of this, he expects me to write an apology letter. If I do not, I will receive multiple saturday schools(4 hours of work on saturday morning, and I have to pay $15 for each one)

I'm mad about this, because he admits that we were both in the wrong, but basically she gets away with it because she is an adult, so I have to kiss ass, to cover the school's ass.

So what would you do? Stand your ground and take the saturday schools, or apologize and be done with it, even if the apology was not genuine?

Also, am I a huge dick for doing this? Keep in mind this has happened many times before. Also, had the lady asked me calmly to move my car, I would have. When she told me she "didn't care" if it was the rule, I got even more pissed. Also, this is my own assigned spot, which I paid for. If I simply park in someone else's spot instead of waiting for her to move, then I am in trouble.

**Cliff Notes**
Lady drops her kid off in parking lot every day, even though she is not allowed to. She uses my spot to turn around many days, making me wait to park. Today I block her in, she tells me she "doesn't care" if she isn't allowed to drop her kid off down there. I am told to apologize or receive multiple saturday schools(4 hours of work on saturday morning, I pay $15 for each one).

Apologize or take the saturday schools?
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