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Old 04-04-2007, 10:50 PM
snagglepuss snagglepuss is offline
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Default i will get you laid via myspace - application/nomination thread

my karma has been bad lately despite being overly friendly to fast-food workers. i debated on volunteering at the local childrens or homeless center, but soon realized i have zero applicable skills and do not want to be bitten by child or hobo.

so i decided i will help some struggling chap get some stank on his hang-low via the classic whore e-medium: myspace.

this thread will be the nomination/application thread for who i will put in a decent amount of effort getting laid by a woman who is relatively in the same league as that person (possibly higher!).

to apply:
first name
post a picture in thread
and most importantly, why you need to get laid/date.

it is not necessary you already have a myspace page, as i will make one for you, or will request permission to possibly modify an already existing one, as well as access of course to holla at women. i will also create an aim/yahoo/msn name or whatever to use "as you" once things progress.

more details forthcoming about how everything will be documented and whatnot (as to provide maximum bbv entertainment whilst avoiding trainwrecking--a delicate balance).

i will likely make the choice in a few hours so that i can get it underway while it still holds my interest, so if you wish to apply, hurry up and get at it.

and to save the quick joke:
"freaking fabulous!" or alternatively,
"will this person have sex with them, or just sleep with them?"
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