Thread: African Greys
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Old 04-04-2007, 05:51 PM
gwhiz_612 gwhiz_612 is offline
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Default Re: African Greys

I have a grey too and hamsamich is right about the bird making all kind of sounds. Mine does this high pithced tone that hurts my ears. I actually moved it because I thought it was damaging my ears. Another thing to remember is that if you feed it seeds, you will eventually get little moths flying in your house. These are mill moths and can get annoying. The good side is that they are the coolest pet you can have. What other animal can you buy that can say "whaaaatttsuuuuuuuuuuuuuup?" when people come over or will "raise the roof" for a dorito. Mine doesn't escape from his cage, but he is definitely a messy creature. Wherever you put the cage there will be food laying around it.
As for vacations its just like any other pet that you would leave at home when your not there. Someone will have to come and feed it and give it fresh water. It's not as bad as has been mentioned, at least you don't have to let it outside to potty or anything. We usually leave some classical music on or jazz if we're not at home.
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