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Old 04-04-2007, 11:18 AM
KilgoreTrout KilgoreTrout is offline
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Default Re: The Gardening Thread

A lot of good info in this thread, many thanks for the replies.

So far, we've settled on buying plants from the farm stand, keeping them indoors until mid/late May (with some outside time on nice days), and container growing for the most part. The Warden had an idea to plant berry bushes in a good spot in the back yard, so we'll look for berry plants at the farm stand (Howe's in Paxton, MA, if any of you know it). We also decided to do one container with basil, rosemary, thyme, and parsley that will sit on the stoop near the kitchen door.

My father used to plant late season peas toward the end of July. He'd use whatever twigs and branches that fell from the trees on the property as ladders for the peas, and we'd be munching on them well into September. I may do that, but we have time to see how the rest of the project goes.

I'd appreciate some tips on how to select plants. Again, we're planning on tomatoes, peppers (mild varieties - the Warden isn't into capsacin), and cucumbers. We'll try some lettuce/spinach in the ground, too, but that will be a seed sowing exercise.
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