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Old 04-04-2007, 02:05 AM
WhoIam WhoIam is offline
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Default Re: Ask Degen Anything About Living In Thailand

Can you get USA sports on Satellite TV? Namely College and NFL Football?

[/ QUOTE ]

I was in Australia for most of the NFL season last year and had this problem. One major issue is the time difference--even if you find an amazing sports bar with games from all over the world, most of the games come on at times like 3 or 6am when the bar would be closed. I imagine that you could buy some kind of super satellite dish here that would allow you to get Sunday Ticket. You would also need a Tivo or DVR unless you hate sleeping night. Option #2 is to watch the games on internet p2p streaming networks. I did this last year and the games were pixelated, choppy, often froze completely, and I had no idea what the lines were doing. Of course with the way the Steelers played last season, this was a good thing. Maybe the technology will improve by this season, but I wouldn't count on it. Option #3 is to get a friend to stream you games through slingbox or something. I don't know much about this.

Just to put some perspective on things here, yesterday I spent a few hours grinding $50NL and made twice the average monthly salary for Thailand.

Last weekend a bunch of rich Thai teenagers stayed at one of the villas here. It was like the Thai version of the OC.

In Thai popular culture you'll often see random English words, much the way we will often use random Spanish words or phrases in casual conversation. For example, I'll be watching Thai TV and it will say "blah blah blah SUPER SEXY blah blah POTATO blah." There's even a cable channel called "News 24" that anchors pronounce "News Twenty-four" but everything else is in Thai. Cultural imperialism is awesome.

Our new internet connection is not only fast enough to play poker, we can even watch streaming video if we allow for a longer-than-average buffering time. In short, we're partying like it's 1999.