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Old 04-03-2007, 11:08 PM
Evan Evan is offline
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Default Re: Blogs: What do you read?

I debated posting this in the software thread in diablo's forum, but I think it makes more sense here given all the Google Reader discussion.

Pretty much the only problem I've ever had with google reader is the inability to search your feeds in a simple, fast way. Tonight I decided to look around to see if anyone else had had the problem and come up with a solution. A quick Google search led me to an awesome greasemonkey script for this exact purpose. For anyone that doesn't know, greasemonkey is an add-on (I wish they still called them extensions) for Firefox that allows you to customize webpages with javascript.

To make your google reader feeds searchable:

1) Install greasemonkey
2) Install the google reader search script
3) Go to this page that shows your list of subscriptions (in OPML format) and save it
4) Create a search engine at Google Co-op. Enter a name, a description, a bogus keyword (like "blogs"), a bogus site in the list of sites to search (like ""). Click "Next" and then "Finish"
5) Now click on "control panel" next to the search engine you've just created. Select "Advanced" and upload the file downloaded from Google Reader in the annotations section
6) Go to your search engine's home page and do a search for "test" (without quotes) and copy the url in the address bar (after the search)
7) Right click the grasemonkey icon at hte bottom of the browser, select Manage User Scripts, find the google reader script and click edit (you might have to navigate to c:\windows\notepad.exe)
8) In the document that opens search for "replace this" (no quotes) and paste the url you have copied
9) Remove this from the URL: &q=test
10) File - Save

That's it, you're good to go. Now reload your google reader page and there will be a search box on top. When you do searches they'll come up in the same frame where you read your feeds. Seriously, this just made google reader like 5x better for me and it was already an awesome service.
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