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Old 04-03-2007, 05:16 AM
soah soah is offline
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Default Re: I try some FPS which seems to lead nowhere

I don't have enough info on him to answer that. Remember, dude is playing tight so I don't get to see but a few hands that he plays postflop at 25 hands per hour. Although I think I played with him once last summer, but that didn't even occur to me until later...

I also don't really know to what degree he'd loosen up with position, or to what degree he realizes my range opens up from LP.

My gut tells me that he wouldn't raise the river with JT unless my bet was silly-small, because my line looks like either a slowplay or a bluff, and there are quite a few slowplayed hands that beat him. But I'm not sure on this.

But it does bring up the possibility of doing a bet of like $25 or something, calling a raise.
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