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Old 04-02-2007, 09:40 PM
paddymcg21 paddymcg21 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
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Posts: 196
Default Re: The fish need validation.

Sharkscope is a good indicator but in some ways the fish is right. SS only covers sng's if im not mistaken, and if you're a cash table or MTT player then it can take a good few tourneys/buyins before you make significant payouts. When I started playing online I had $20 and gradually built it up to around $200 in around 2 months. Then I went through a long period where I just could not cash (MTTs) even though I felt I was playing well and getting my money in good. At this point i was playing $3-$5 MTTs (I know very small stakes but im a poor student). Then all of a sudden I had a big result in a $3 tourney (came 2nd and won $200 ish). Then soon after I came 11th in a $60,000 guaranteed (which id won a satellite for $4 to get my seat) and bagged $1,100. Now i'm sure most people would see this as insignificant money but to me it's not. The fact that at the beggining I was making hardly anything then in a short space of a few tournies I'd upped it from less than $200 to around $1,500 shows that MTT players' BRs can be volatile. Surely it can take a lot of loss before you gain? p.s. Im not boasting as i dont see myself as a fantastic player, at the same time I'm no fish. My poker winnings have been sufficient to support my student lifestyle somewhat (been playing just over a year) but I wouldn't call myself a "winning player" in the true sense. Yet after around 2 months and 100 or so MTTs my profits were tiny.
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