Thread: War in 4 days?
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Old 04-02-2007, 06:15 PM
casey_brick casey_brick is offline
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Default Re: War in 4 days?

according to reports in the Russian media

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I'm not too worried about this.

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I don't know about 4 days, but a lot of military hardware has been sent over there, and they don't send hardware over there for nothing.

They sent hardware over there before Iraq even though they said they wanted it resolved diplomatically if possible, in other words, the decision has already been made. Sticking your head in the sand doesn't change the fact that there are two armies facing each other who are armed to the teeth and itching for a fight.

They are sending more troops to Iraq as we speak, cutting short their leave. The war is all but certain.

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Itching for a fight? The soldiers, saliors, marines and airmen I know want to go home. Some of these servicemen are on third and even fourth tours to the Middle East. The brass is the military can be dumb sometimes, but we (US military) do not have the numbers to invade, conquer, and control Iran. The only way the proper number of troops could be raised would be through a draft. We all know that more than likely there will never be another draft in the
US. So the only logical conclusion I can come to is there will be no invasion of Iran, not in four days or in four months.
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