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Old 04-02-2007, 11:29 AM
Guitierez Guitierez is offline
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Default Doing the Ali Baba - An intro to blind stealing

You open-limp from late position? Let me tell you there's a leak in your game.

While SSHE does not advocate blind stealing, because in small stakes games players play very loose from the blinds and the rake is proportionally higher than in middle and high stakes, it still recommends open-raising from LP with medium pairs and sooted Aces since they often hold up UI.

Most of us here are grinding the micros to hopefully move up to levels where stealing becomes an essential part of the game. So why not see it as an exercise, especially as online games tighten up more and more and often not more than 3 players are seeing the flop.

Basically when attempting to steal you are wagering 2SB to get 1.5SB. This means if you succeed in 4 out of 7 times you already break even! Or put it this way, if the blinds fold 57% of the time you will profit. This does not take into account the times you outplay them after the flop.

Consider you are always having position on the blinds. 'The argument is that even though fewer players in the pot would decrease your equity with hands that prefer multiway action, that's offset by the fact that you'll have position, will know exactly where you stand if they bet, and will often get to see all five cards for free.' (machron)

Blind stealing is great fun, whether you succed immediatly or to have to fight down villain.

The preliminaries:

It's folded to you in LP (advanced players consider stealing already in late MP). You are in a raise/fold situation now. It would be a big mistake to open-limp. Even your low pocket pairs need a decison to be made.

Be conscious against who you are stealing. It's much easier against tight players than calling-stations who are unable to fold. 'Just remember that you want to play hands in position against bad players. So while they may not fold very often preflop (which is where you get most of your value from stealing against tight players), they will also play very poorly after the flop. This is where you make money "stealing" against loose, bad players.' (milesdyson)

A look at starting requirements (from 'Weighing the odds in hold'em poker')

Legitimate raises from LP would be
Axs, AKo-ATo, KQs-K6s, KQo-KJo, QJs-Q9s, JTs, any PP

Raise with this to steal
from CO: A9o-A5o, KTo, QJo
OTB: all A, K9o, K8o, QTo, JTo, T9o

Holding an A you will flop a second one about 17% of the time, in general the flop is going to improve your hand about one time in three.

Continue aggressevly after the flop. 'Basic idea of blind stealing: Keep betting make the villain fold. Bet at least the flop and often the turn, checking behind on the river UI a whole bunch.' (Aaron W.)

From the Big Book of Standard Micro Plays:
'When stealing with any two, follow up your preflop raise with bets on the flop AND turn, as many villains will call a flop bet UI, but give up on the turn, and most will play back when they hit something, allowing you to fold.'

This intro only scratches the surface. I compiled some more in-depth links:

Pooh-Bah Redux: Blind Stealing (Pokey)
State-of-the-art needing a few adaptations to LHE. Very good post-flop section.

Do you try to steal the blinds in Limit?

Taking stealing the blinds to next level (Dan Bitel)
Attempting to steal only when folded to you in LP? This is for those who took the training wheels off

Attacking on the Button
Starting requirements: With which hands to give it a shot?

Is blind stealing really worth it?
Zeldark shows in his reply that you have to adapt to your opponents.

Stealing the blinds. How often to do it, and what does it pay? (Stats)
Using your PT correctly tells you the improvement of your winrate

Blind Stealing Micro limit
Putting it all together from hand selection to postflop play.

Help me with the Significance of Blind Stealing and Defending (long)
Some good insights from milesdyson replying

Anyone playing offsuit Aces profitably?
An in-depth-discussion of the well neglected baby-aces

Blind Steals on 4th Street
Mr Wookie's 10K Post. Wisdom from poker wiki. Very long - very good

What are we up against: prospects on blind stealing
A classic tl;dr from Buckmulligan

Let's have a serious talk about blind defense...
Aaron W. stocking up your arsenal. These are your blinds!
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