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Old 04-02-2007, 06:18 AM
Elrazor Elrazor is offline
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Default Re: Hero vs Opp (craaaaazy VPIP & PFR stats)

the main reason these types of players are so successfull is they take average players out of their confort zone, and this leads to them making mistakes

personally with a guy like this i would wait till i could get a seat to his imediate right, buy in for $100 and sandbag him - im guessing there was 3-4 way action on every flop as everyone was 'going after him' which is exactly what he wants - ok its not the most sophisticated play, but if you can jam the pot with AAxx against this type of player with plenty of dead money aside then its a massive +EV, and you keep your decisions simple against this opponent, which i like as post flop you are just going to be guessing

these players are usually very skillful with a big bankroll, and i am happy to accept they are better than i am, and adjust my game accordingly
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