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Old 03-31-2007, 01:47 AM
DeuceSeven DeuceSeven is offline
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Default Re: Things about Pokah that really piss you off

1. In a sng having AA 2x near the bubble bring it in for a standard raise that pot commits you on any flop and shoving against the flopped nuts.

2. Overbetting the pot and having a donkey hit his 2 outer after the flop.

3. Playing home games with idiots who rant about how a play money villain cracked AA with J5 when the money went in pf.

4. Table coaches, especially the bad ones that call down with 2nd pair who bitch when they get drawn out on even though he bet enough to price in a draw that beats him.

5. Loose idiots who bet when they shouldn't when I want to see a cheap showdown and can't call because the other player in the hand might raise.
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