Thread: Baldness
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Old 03-30-2007, 09:43 PM
Arnfinn Madsen Arnfinn Madsen is offline
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Default Re: Baldness

I think that if you in any way look different from the ideal/norm, if you carry it with pride you can actually gain some charisma from this. There is nobody that isn't charmed by the old proud smiling farm woman with wrinkles, missing teeth and a bad leg. It is very relieving and satisfying for everybody to meet and talk with people who do not pretend that they are perfect. I have been in many tough discussions and negotiations both privately and professionally and one thing is definately certain, if you appear perfect you get nowhere. It is your "defects" that give you character, and the more you have the less threatened people around you feel by you, and thus more ready to interact with you in an open, meaningful way. So in human interaction the positives from your baldness probably outweigh the negatives, so your life quality may very well improve.
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