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Old 03-30-2007, 09:04 PM
AJFenix AJFenix is offline
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Default Re: BBV Anonymous Confessions


I was pretty cruel to animals for a while when I got back to the states as the kids there were pretty brutal to the stray animals, but thankfully that faded away fast, and I'd say I'm as good as they get towards pets. I wouldn't even mind working at a shelter. I'm just amazed at the kind of behavior I was capable of shortly after getting out of that jungle. Thats what poverty can do to people,....

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This is disgusting. I honestly don't understand how people like you exist.

Writing it off as something like "poverty = boredom = hurting animals" really shows how much responsibility you've taken for your behaviour. That's messed up.

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What? Do you lack reading comprehension? I probably care more about animals than anyone. Kids were simply cruel/heartless over there towards stray animals. It wasn't like I would personally go out of my way to do anything to any animals, I was simply pretty cold and uncaring. If I wasn't I'd get eaten alive. If you don't think it has anything to do with people living in poverty in a grimy ass environment you're pretty dumb. I don't expect any suburban people or people from good backgrounds/upbringing in general acting in that fashion. When I got to the states, I simply didn't care. My father had just passed way, I was back in the states with my mother who I hadn't seen in years, and I wasn't in a very good frame of mind. There was quite a bit of stuff to deal with for a kid my age. There were some cats and dogs at the house I was now living in, and it took me a little while to get acclimated, and to get in a normal frame of mind in general. I was just a dumb kid trying to cope with all that. I have also grown up and matured since. Wtf? It honestly annoys me that you'd even think of me like that just because of my outlook on animals. I've had so many cats/dogs/etc since then, and they honestly provide better company than some of their human counterparts.
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