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Old 03-30-2007, 08:02 AM
theblackkeys theblackkeys is offline
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Default Re: Help me get in better shape

How's your flexibility and coordination?

Try walking places instead of driving, if at all possible. Do you have access to a pool? Don't start out running, because you'll just end up hurting your knees/feet, etc. It's something that needs to be worked up to for out of shape and overweight people. It really sucks having to stay away from exercise because you went too hard, too soon. Steady state cardio is probably best for you at this point, given the injury risks from overexerting yourself. Get your heartrate up as high as comfortably possible on bike or elliptical. If there's an aerobic rowing machine, try one of those, it gets your whole body moving.

If you do go the weightlifting route, you should do bodyweight squats and lunges, and upper body exercises (pushups, bench press, overhead press, and rows) with very light weights for at least a couple of weeks so that your tendons and ligaments can adjust.

Stretch your muscles as well. Stretch to a comfortable (not very painful) distance, and hold it for at least 30 seconds. About 10 seconds in, your muscles will relax a bit and you can increase the depth of your stretch a little.

Also, having fun is important, so switch it around if you need to, and perhaps pick up a sport somewhere along the way. Even shooting a basketball can get you sweating.
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