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Old 03-30-2007, 12:13 AM
AntonHeat AntonHeat is offline
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Default Re: BBV Anonymous Confessions

From the other forum; if this is true or not still pretty ownage


Journalist of the Whills posted:
I used to play Star Wars Galaxies, back when it was good. Yeah, let's all have a laugh at that. Done? Okay.

I was one of the top three or so Bounty Hunters on my server. I don't mean to brag or anything, but I was not only known by basically everyone on the server, but was routinely referred to as "*Server name*'s Boba Fett". So yeah, I was pretty e-cool. You could probably go back there now a year or so later and mention me, and a lot of people would remember.

Anyway. As a bounty hunter it was my job to hunt Jedi, because that's what the devs designed the class to do. Unfortunately, they also designed the Jedi to be super-powerful and almost unbeatable by a single player. Unless, of course, you were a kickass gun-slingin' bounty hunter like myself.

"Oh great," you're thinking to yourself. "Some nerd is making a confession about an MMO." Well, not quite. See, there was this one Jedi who was pretty much the only person I couldn't beat. I tried more than a few times, and they whooped my rear end but good. This, naturally, was drat frustrating. So like any good sport, I started talking to the Jedi in question. I found out, over time, that the person on the other end was a girl. Then I found out, to my surprise, that they actually lived in my small town. (I had never told anyone where I lived, so it's not like my leg was being pulled here.)

We got to talking outside of the game, and she turned out to be a really cute girl, who lived only about five minutes away from me. So what did I do? I called her up and arranged a meeting. Went over to her house and we hosed like rabbits. Cleaned up and left, never to see her again in person.

The next day she IMed me in-game and wanted to meet up again. Now, SWG has a function where if a person has you on their friend-list, you can track them to their exact location. I kept her talking, tracked her down, ambushed her when she was alone, unarmed, and unprepared, and killed her rear end.

Standing over her dead body, I said "I just don't think it's going to work out." and logged off. I later found out that this turn of events caused her to go insane and turn into a crazy coke-whore.

I almost feel bad.
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