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Old 03-29-2007, 11:30 PM
adanthar adanthar is offline
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Default Re: BBV Anonymous Confessions

In the history of time, there've been 3 honest retail cashiers

I have worked at several small convenience stores from I was 13 to I was 20. The first two jobs were for family members, and from 13 to 18. I stole from the cash register both places. I also ate/drank what I wanted without paying for it. The money I stole mostly went to support a gambling habit, first slot machines, later I bet on horses. It generally happened this way: I lose money at slot machines/horses, I don't scan whatever customers buy and just put money directly into the register until the spread is covered.

Both the store owners are close family, and I still have good contact with them today. I don't think about it or feel remorse often, but I sometimes fantasize I will leave store owner nr. two $3000 in my will (as if I'm going to die before him) or somehow give him the money anynomously. I am positive I would not have these thoughts if a lot of money weren't available to me because of poker, so I don't think these fantasies are due to a new found moral back bone. The other store went busto (this was doomed to happen with or without the bad employee that was me) and I never got about $1.5k I was owed in salary, so I don't have those thoughts about that one.

In the last store I worked I didn't steal any money, but it was probably mostly because of fear and because I didn't feel the urge to gamble as strong as before (for reasons I will not get into), than it was my strong moral nature. I kept eating and drinking what I wanted, though.

Also, I've never been in love with a girl since I was 12, but I have pretended to be in love with 4 girls since then. Including my current girlfriend.

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