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Old 03-29-2007, 09:49 PM
adanthar adanthar is offline
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Default Re: BBV Anonymous Confessions

oh man this forum drama is incredibly important

Whoever wrote you earlier saying they are WIDK was
lying. I know who the real WIDK is and gave me
permission to write this. WIDK is tired of the
gimmick and probably won't be returning for a long
time. It's too much work for him, and he is doesn't
want the gimmick to get old. WIDK wants to end on top
by having owned TxRedman.

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Paging limon to thread #9762745


my confession; my life
I'm currently 15 years old. 2p2 lurker mainly, not many posts. I first started playing cards for money when I was 11 on a scouting trip. just $5, and risking that much money scared me since I'm kinda poor. I lost and felt horrible for wasting the money, but liked the game so started playing with friends at 12-13. these games were $10R and I couldn't win. I remember being really sad when I was down ~$50. I bought books and started playing freerolls online. I was really smart, top 1% of my class now and figured I could learn to win. I continued tracking my progress and eventually started winning. I was up a couple hundred or so...

during the summer, when the games died down, I started playing with some of my friends that weren't very smart who only played to seem cool. this included my old best friend who I was still good friends with. the kids were so bad, and I would win most of the games making only liek $20 per game.
winning most wasn't enough, so I started cheating. my other friend and I colluded and from there on just cleaned every game. the idiots didn't even notice. one of my favorite tricks was asking "is this a full deck?" then thumbing through the deck pretending to count htem and switching cards around so my partner would get his flush or whatever. classic. over the summer, we brought in about $150-200 each.

tougher games started up again the next year. I got better at cheating and started stacking the deck by myself and winning more. but, online you can't cheat obv. I would win some money here and there from freerolls, and once even ran $5 up to $1k in a few days. then played at like $25/50 to go ultra robustoo but lost it all. through the home game cheating, which I stopped at like 14.5yrs, I probably won about 750-1k. spent most of it on burger king, though.

now, I have money. I don't cheat anymore. I win a decent amount that my mom doesn't know about. I don't really spend it... I don't do much things that cost money. In school I'm kinda shy, I guess cause I'm really self conscious about things. I'm definitely not ugly, but I've yet to have a gf. friends w/ popular kids though and everyone knows me for being real smart and also semi-athletic. I would just join in with all the crazy parties wherr erybody gits whakkkkkkkkedd, but I wanna be richh and am afraid doin bad stuff could mess me up. I will pretty much need a full scholarship to go to college, which I'll probably get. my ultimate goal in life is to be a millionaire by the time I'm 21 then just live life and nail HS bitches/ get [censored] everrry day.


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A cousin sex/cuckolding 2 for 1 special

My first marriage ended when my wife and I went to her family reunion. We had a pretty normal married life until this point, with a young child, but a moribund sex life.

The reunion was big affair over a weekend with nearly a hundred of her relatives attending. She ran into a cousin she hadn't seen for a few years and they got to talking. I didn't think anything of it and left the party to go to work. They were sexing it up by that evening. By the end of the weekend she decided she was leaving me and was going to move across country and possibly marry her first cousin. This was basically announced in front of all of her relatives. This wasn't one of those distant cousins either. They had grown up together and saw each other all the time.

Obviously I left the marriage and ended up moving back in with my parents. The cousin dalliance lasted about a month and I took legal steps to make sure she couldn't move my child across the country. We have been divorced for ten years and she has never done anything remotely as bizarre since. It's still almost as humiliating now as when it happened.

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