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Old 03-29-2007, 02:54 PM
fiskebent fiskebent is offline
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Default Re: Anyone play Eve-Online? [MMO]

It looks like the biggest battle ever is set to go down tonight starting around 20:40 EVE time (in less than 2 hours).

The battle is over a Band of Brothers capital ship construction site which is coming out of reinforced status tonight. I'm not too clear on the implications of that, but I think it means that the Coalition has a chance to destroy the stations at that time.

These forces are expected to go into battle:
200-300 capital ships total
Anywhere from 2-7 Titans
Anywhere from 5-25 Motherships
5-10 Support fleets, in the numbers of at least 100 each.

Unfortunately it is doubtful that the servers can handle such a battle.

But it'll be interesting to see who is left standing after the dust settles.

The battle is supposed to be in a system called 'f-t'. That means that it's probably F-TVAP in Stain or F-TE1T in Delve.

Are any of you guys in a corp taking part in the war?

Edit: It's in F-TE1T in Delve. There are 266 pilots in that system now. There are 0 in F-TVAP.
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