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Old 03-28-2007, 11:47 PM
Fight Club Fight Club is offline
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Default Making Poker Too Easy

This is mainly for those of you who play in tough games or who play the same people every day. I play on my desktop 90% of the time and have all the mods and software running and two 24 inch monitors, if I play on my laptop I only have PAhud running.

I looked over my results a few weeks ago and my winrate ($/hour) was higher on the laptop, even tho I had to overlap when on more than 2 tables and I was usually playing in an internet cafe. I realised that I actually had to work when using the laptop, I was forced to concentrate b/c the graphics were smaller and I couldn't afford to drift off. This in turn helped me make much better reads and advanced plays. It's almost impossible do anything else at the same time, so I never go into 'auto pilot' mode.

What I'm saying is playing like a bot worked against droves of fish, but not for me anymore. I'm not saying stop using the extra sofware, but poker should be hard work and if it's not then your probably doing something wrong.
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