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Old 03-28-2007, 03:56 PM
Otherside61 Otherside61 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 35
Default Email from random hot chick. Pics included SFW

Today, I checked my email and I usually get nothing more then a bunch of spam and the occasional legitimate email. Today I got a really interesting email. I am asking a couple questions here.

1. Does this email look legitimate?
2. Have any of you gotten something like this before.

Here's the email.

Subject: Hi, It's me Laura from Myspace.

Hi there... I got an error the first time that I sent this message so I figured I would try my luck again. (hopefully, it reaches you this time.)

Anyways, It's me Laura. You messaged me a while back on MySpace. I hope that you still remember me. I could not contact you before because I got involved with someone. That didnt work out well at all so I am happy to say that I am single again. =)

My MySpace profile isn't active anymore, but I still remember reading yours. You seemed like my type, and I recall us having a few things in common. If you remember, I'm a very down to earth girl, I'm very open, honest & upfront about everyhting, and I love to have a good time. My friends tell me that I'm pretty blunt, but I figure that's the best way to be. Dont you think? I think that most often, relationships are for the wrong reasons, and then... all that is left at the end are bitter feelings. I'm not that type at all. I'm open, honest and very
confident of myself (but I am not a stuck up bitch, lol).

I don't exactly remember seeing your pic, so if you have one, send it my way. I have some of me that I can send as well and I also have my homepage with pics. (Her homepage)

Well now, since I'm back in the dating scene, I decided to write you back. I kept your email address all this time. (wasn't that special of me? [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] hehe...) I would love to maybe get together sometime, or at least chat to see how far we can take this. If we do hook up, let's wait about 1 week. That will give us a chance to get better aquainted with each other. Well, I guess that is if you find me attractive or not. I'm sure that you won't be dissapointed though. I love my body and I am not afraid to show it. Expecially to the one that I hope to hook up with.

I am so excited about the possiblilty of the two of us! I think that I'll stop now since this is getting pretty long. I don't want to bore you! lol.

Talk to you soon!

xoxo ") Laura ") xoxo

First off, I haven't messaged any chicks on myspace in over a year. I honestly do not remember messaging this person at all. I was extremely confused the whole time I was reading her message. I clicked on her homepage to see if I would recognize her and these are a couple of the pics.

I guess this girl looks vaguely familiar but I honestly do not know if I messaged her on myspace. Also on her homepage, there is nothing about webcams or paying money of any kind to join up so there is no scam involved. Her homepage, just has a small qusetionaire she filled out, 3 pictures of her and 1 baby picture.

OOT does this look legitimate, and whats my play from here. I honestly don't know what to say to this chick as I was totally caught off guard.
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