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Old 03-28-2007, 03:29 PM
re3z0r re3z0r is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Default Re: $114 AK on the bubble

im not an expert but i would like someone to annalyze how i would play this situation.

i would call the raise since villian is 'bad', you have position on him and if you catch a A or K you put a lot of his deap stack at risk? I'm not sure if this is proper ICM play or not but this is how i would play it, it is probably a big leak in my game.
Also, If you push and he calls with a PP you are a coinflip on the bubble so im not sure how great that is, however you are profitable against any other hand, so since he is 'bad' he will probably call your all in with a wide range of marginal hands.
I dunno, could someone tell me what is wrong with calling then trying to get his stack in after the flop if you catch an A or K? I'm almost afraid to ask and I'm thinking about putting this in the n00b thread.
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