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Old 03-28-2007, 01:53 AM
ua1176 ua1176 is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 375
Default yet another girl dilemma for OOT

i'll try to keep it short cause i know how much we hate this stuff.

i meet a girl. she is beautiful. real-world 8.5 probably OOT 6. i run into girl casually a few times. we make small talk. she is friendly + smart + has this wonderful ability to become interested in whatever you choose to talk to her about.

i get girl's phone #. because i possess at least some marginal degree of aptitude at life.

problem: i am an adjunct at a particular college where this girl is a student.

problem: my department chair is well aware that i think said girl is beautiful, and has warned me how he will rend me limb from limb should i pursue a student.

problem: i do a significant amount of real-world, non-academic work for said department chair, and he hooks me up big time w/ his business contacts.

HOWEVER she is not in the classes i teach, and she is 26 years old while i am 23.

so OOT- to what extent am i actually risking my job by pursuing this? and to what extent is it worth it?
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