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Old 03-27-2007, 04:43 PM
Big Folder Big Folder is offline
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Default Re: Potential Internship this summer questions...

I had the exact same experience when I was in undergrad, except it was for a summer job, not an internship. I had gotten into one law firm as a file clerk (making copies and stuff) and they wanted to know, but I told them no because I thought I had a good shot at the more prestigious firm since i really hit it off with the interviewer. So basically I took the honorable route, told firm B no and got a call from firm A which said "oh yeah, we don't hire undergrads." Gee thanks, you could have told me that before, during or immediately after the interview.

Honestly, i regret it. I ended up with nothing and had to find at a third firm, which was alright, but not nearly as prestigious as Firm B, which was mine for the taking. When I got to law school I found out Firm B recruits at my school and I'm sure summer experience there might have helped me. I know it may sound bad, but take company B's job and just be honest with them if company A gives you the internship. Yeah, its going to be tough to face them and tell them basically you don't like them as much, but you're going to have to make tough decisions in life. I avoided one(granted, it is the honorable thing to do) and it cost me.
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