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Old 03-26-2007, 10:28 PM
Osprey Osprey is offline
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Default Re: New York City: Your favorite things to do or places to go

Didn't see if all these have been mentioned already: These were around last I checked.

Sandobe- Not very fashionable for some reason, but I think it's good Sushi, not expensive and different from your average Sushi place On the LES.

Veniero's- Old style Italian dessert place- good stuff, lots of choice, normally crowded. For some reason I got into heated flavored milk to go along with my desserts here.

Korova (??) Milk Bar- I think it's just in Alphabet City, but might still be on the LES, it's modeled after the bar in A Clockwork Orange. Lots of milk and alcohol drinks- be very careful for GI disaster.

Doc Holiday's- Trashy bikerish bar across from Thompson Square Park in LES- has PBR in cans and waitressed who dance on the bar to Johnny Cash's Ring of Fire.

2nd Ave Deli- Was my favorite deli by far. Heard it closed a while ago, RIP.

Typhoon Lounge- Good Japanese place, nice space,e not expnsive around St. Marks, which is near....

The Japanese place with soft core Japanese nudes on the wall, really cheap beer, and kinda strange/authentic Japanese food. It's on St. Mark's as well- anyone know the name?

Since I'm on a St. Mark's kick- the St. Mark's Bookstore is a fantastic place for browsing great, diverse new books- which leads me to:

The Strand- near 13th and Broadway(?) near Union Square. More used books than you possibly know what to do with. It's fun just browsing here, and if you like bookstores at all, you could probably spend days in here..

B&H Photo/Video- the place to go fo consumer and pro cameras/video/audio. If you're thinking about buying something, you can try it out here. Huge, huge mail order place, you can avoid the high NY sales tax by mail ordering.

International Center of Photography- Normally have excellent photo exhibits.

Leica Gallery- Specializes in artists who use Leicas, normally reportage, photojournalism. I would stop in all the time when I was in the neighborhood, near NYU undergrad

Man... maybe I should move back..
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