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Old 03-25-2007, 06:14 PM
ChicagoRy ChicagoRy is offline
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Default NLTRN Low Level Theory-Type Situation

This isn't a specific hand, just a situation that I thought up.

For simplification sake we will assume this is a regular speed 10+.50 HU SNG.

The first few hands from the sb you have raise-worthy hands, you raise with them, opponent folds.

You then raise every single small blind for the first ten hands. He folds every time.

Of opponent's small blind hands he has open folded 5 of them, he has limped the other 5. Of those 5 limped hands you have open bet 2x and defended to 4x preflop once and he has folded each of those. You have checked and he has bet the other 2x on scarier boards. You folded those two times.

Stacks are something like 1750-1250. Levels just went up to 15-30 when this hand happens (Hand 21).

You are in the sb with 9c6c.
You raise 3x to 90.
He calls your raise.

The flop comes 952.
He checks.

What do you do and what is your plan for the rest of this hand?

If the board being a 2 suited board or a rainbow has anything to do with your decision then state the different decisions and why.

Assume for this hand you do not have a flush draw.

What if the turn comes (regardless of your decision) and is a Jack? What about a 4?

If you're a higher level player and you think this is too easy of a question or situation please refrain from posting right away, this is more of a lower level player question I believe and might be a leak for some and provide insightful discussion.

If I forgot some information then let me know, but you have never played this opponent before.
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