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Old 03-25-2007, 05:30 PM
CharlieDontSurf CharlieDontSurf is offline
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Default Official Weekend Movie Thread <SPOILERS IN WHITE, PLS>

It drives me nuts when there are threads about movies coming out, or ones people look forward to that get a ton of responses...but then the movie comes out and no one talks about what they thought etc.

So the rules for this thread are simple.

Only movies that you saw in the theatre.
Doesn't matter if you waited to see Wild Hogs until it got to the cheap theatres. As long as you went to theatre to see it then it is fine. *sneak previews, screenings, etc are fine too.

No DVDs etc.

You can talk about upcoming movies or anything else that hasn't been released yet...trailers, the commercials, the crappy theatre food, the hot chick seated in front of you..etc etc etc.

What I saw this weekend

All the trailers sucked for these two movies...nothing that really blew me away or got me excited.

<u>Spiderman 3</u>...meh. I'm over this movie series. Would rather just watch HEROES.

<u>The Invisible</u>...blah.

<u>1408?</u> John Cuasack and it looked kinda interesting but I figure it will just turn into some gay horror flick.

<u>NEXT</u>...what a gay title.

<u>Disturbia</u>...I'll wait for video though David Morse will probably be good as the psycho.

<u>The Reaping</u>...lame..though I'd love to [censored] Hillary Swank.

<u>Mr. Brooks</u>...I heard this was a cool script and I'm curious to see how Costner plays it..but I [censored] hate Dane Cook.

<u>Oceans 13</u>...I'll see the movie but the trailer was dull.


So bad. The only thing that saved it is Mark W. being a likeable actor and the fact that he is a sniper and the hot red head. D Glover was lame, the whole plot was stupid, some of the scenes were just laughably bad, and the direction was beyond awful...Michael Bay bad.

I'm having trouble believing the book could be all that good unless they just totally ditched 99% of what happened in it.

What was with Mark Wahlberg walking around in public while the entire world is searching for him...oh put he pulled his cap down...clever.

I think we can now officially say that Antoine Fuqua sucks balls as a director and that "Training Day" was simply a fluke that owed most of its greatness to David Ayer's script and the actors.
Shooter, King Arthur, Replacment Killers, Tears of the Sun,Bait....all bad action flicks with decent actors that could have been good with some solid direction or a director who knew anything about screenwriting.

This was pretty [censored] good. I heard a lot of people kind of bad mouthing it as all flash but in my eyes while the story was simplistic--it worked for me...I didnt need a deep backgorund for every single Spartan fighting etc.

It looked amazing and really felt like a graphic novel/painting and was something I hadn't seen before. I thought it was much more enjoyable that Sin City or Gladiator. The theatre I saw it in was packed and everyone seemed to be into it. You know the movie is working when everyone starts clapping when Lena Headey stabs that dude in the senate/forum.

Gerard Butler was quite good and it will be interesting to see what he does as Snake Plisken..though he better lose the accent cuz Plisken is a [censored] American.

I didn't get to see Reign over Me so next week I'm gonna try to see.


The Lookout--its gonna be gooooood.
Reign Over Me
Blades of Glory
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