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Old 03-23-2007, 11:11 AM
ahnuld ahnuld is offline
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Default Re: Do you read local newspapers or watch local news?

Hate local news, only will watch if there is some really big event such as the school shooting in Montreal this spring.

Our national news in Canada seems to be a bit better than the national news in the states. Maybe this is because its run by the public run CBC, so they cant pander to the lowest denominator?

Local newspapers are completely garbage, but entertaining. I get one every day and sometimes read it if I have time or if im on the metro. I also subscribe to investors business daily online, and that keeps me up to date on world events.

Most important source of news for me is CNBC. Much better quality than cnn. Also, every important piece of news affects the markets, so CNBC really does cover everything from politics, to disasters, to trials. Only thing it doesnt carry is junk like anna nicole smith.
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