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Old 03-23-2007, 10:19 AM
seemorenuts seemorenuts is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
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Default Re: Winning in Tough Hold \'em Games

I find that the old-fashioned paper book cover works fine to preserve the covers.

If the binding wears out, use the previously mentioned solution with the loose pages.

BTW, is the paper acid free?

Funny thing about poker theory, it evolves so that the paper outlasts the ideas at least for some parts.

You can always scan a photo of the cover if your own covers are shredded.

Re highlighters, I remember a lady whom I dated who would highlight practically every word in her textbooks--I suggested that she simply buy yellow hued sunglasses... lol

Only my SoP and PE2 are starting to fall apart...

The other ones with failing covers are due to overuse by friends... or the high weight or bulk to cover thickness-quality ratio.

Can't you just get thicker or better cover paper? or has that been covered in another thread?

P.S. Adman is right...
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