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Old 03-23-2007, 10:04 AM
KilgoreTrout KilgoreTrout is offline
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Default Re: Writing Competition: Entries

Giggles and the Red-Assed Baboon

Giggles was a circus clown. A circus clown is a grown man who rubs paint on his face and wears a bright wig and strange clothing. They do this to terrorize small children. Giggles was not really Giggles’s real name. Giggles was the pretend name of a man named Bob. Bob became Giggles when he rubbed paint on his face and wore a bright wig and strange clothing to terrorize small children. Here is a picture of Bob as Giggles:

People paid money to Giggles to terrorize children. The people who paid money to Giggles did not intend for Giggles to terrorize children, but that’s what Giggles did. He terrorized the snot out of them.

He did the terrorizing by bending balloons he blew up with his own mouth into obscene shapes that were supposed to look like wild animals. Wild animals are beasts that human beings cannot control. Obscene shapes are shapes that look like genitals. Children are terrorized by genitals because they haven’t figured out how to use them for their intended purpose yet. That happens later, when they stop being children and evolve into wild animals called adolescents.

On Saturdays Giggles worked at a zoo where he handed balloons bent into obscene shapes to terrorized children. A zoo is a prison for wild animals. People take their children to zoos to laugh at the wild animals imprisoned there.

There were different kinds of wild animals imprisoned in the zoo where Giggles worked. There were lions imprisoned there. There were giraffes imprisoned there. There were geese imprisoned there. And there were red-assed baboons imprisoned there.

Lions are the wild animal version of cats, except that lions are nine feet long and weigh five hundred pounds and eat meat. The lions imprisoned at the zoo where Giggles worked on Saturdays would be happy if a terrorized child fell into their pen.

Giraffes are wild animals that have a ridiculously long neck. They have their ridiculously long neck because people like to laugh at ridiculous looking wild animals.

Geese are wild animals that float on the water and drop feces on the grass. They do this because people like to watch wild animals defecate.

Red-assed baboons are wild animals whose faces look like a clown’s face and whose asses are swollen and red. Here is what a red-assed baboon looks like:

Red-assed baboons have clown’s faces and red asses to communicate with other red-assed baboons. The redness of the red-assed baboon’s ass communicates a red-assed baboon’s readiness for sexy time. A red-assed baboon’s face also communicates readiness for sexy time.

Red-assed baboons also communicate with other red-assed baboons by using their voices. A red-assed baboon’s voice is both squeaky and gruff. A squeaky red-assed baboon’s voice is a sign of trouble. A gruff red-assed baboon’s voice is a sign of trouble, too. Red-assed baboons are only interested in trouble and in sexy time.

One Saturday when Giggles was terrorizing children with obscenely shaped balloons at the zoo, Giggles ripped the seat of his clown pants. Human beings become ashamed if other human beings can see their naked ass. It is considered impolite for one human being to show his ass to another human being that he has no intention of rubbing genitals with. This is because showing one’s ass is a form of nudity. Nudity leads to the rubbing of genitals.

Giggles was ashamed that his ass was being exposed to human beings he had no intention of rubbing genitals with. He used his bright wig to cover his naked ass and started for the parking lot. A group of nuns stood between him and the parking lot. A parking lot is an area of pavement where human beings leave their mechanical transportation devices when not in use. A nun is a female human being who wears a costume and is not allowed to rub genitals with anybody. Here is what a group of nuns looks like:

Here is another picture of nuns:

Giggles wanted to hide because he did not want the group of nuns to see his naked ass. He climbed over a fence into one of the wild animal pens to hide from the group of nuns. Inside the wild animal pen were red-assed baboons.

This is what the red-assed baboons looked like inside their wild animal pen:

The red-assed baboons looked at Giggles. Giggles looked at the red-assed baboons. The red-assed baboons saw a clown face and a red ass. Giggles saw a red-assed baboon with an erection. An erection is a physical condition in which blood rushes into the genitals to get them ready for rubbing.

Here is the look that was on Giggles’s face:

Here is the look on the red-assed baboon with an erection’s face:

Giggles survived his encounter with the red-assed baboon and learned an important lesson that day. The lesson he learned was this: Never [censored] with wild animals.