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Old 03-23-2007, 09:04 AM
fyodor fyodor is offline
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Default Re: Writing Competition: Entries


OK my friend, I've got a problem here and you're going to have to help sort it out for me. The story I am about to relate to you is so fantastic, so unbelievable, that... well... you probably shouldn't believe it. Everyone I've told so far though does. So what's up? Are they just humouring me because they know me? Or are they just waiting for me to drop my guard so they can lock me up in some white, rubber room? If I close my eyes for even a moment, will I wake up strapped to a bed with electrodes taped to my shaved skull?

You however, don't know me, so I know you haven’t prejudged me. I don't know you, so you may be the only one I can trust. Please listen and tell me if I’m mad or not.

It happened about a month and a half ago. I was out a little late on a Friday night. I work days. I have weekends off. I'm young. I'm single. I like to party. What else is new? It was about 4am and I had just staggered out of a little booze can in one of the shadier neighborhoods of this grimy little town. Over the course of the evening I had consumed maybe twelve or fifteen beers, and a half dozen shots of tequila. I was in a pretty good mood.

I had decided it was time to go home, but with my mind operating at just slightly less than the speed of light, it hadn't yet occurred to me that I was without transportation or money, and I was unfortunately a good eight miles from my bed. I watched a cockroach enter the building through a crack in a brick. I was wondering if that was a sign for me to go back in.

It was at this moment that I first heard her voice, some kind of a European accent just dripping with sex, "Hey sweetheart, do you need a lift?"

I've never had a problem picking up women when I was drunk. Some of them even turned out to be pretty good looking the next morning. I was not then surprised when I turned around, to find a dark haired, brown eyed, exotic looking girl of about twenty-five, hanging out the window of a black caddy. "Sure," I said, "Nice ride." And I got in.

Right from the get go things got weird. Dream like, time shifting kind of weird. I was pretty sure I got in the front seat with her, but I found myself in the back. And she wasn't alone. There were two of them. They were on me immediately with their hands and their lips. Breasts were coming out everywhere. The other breasts were black... with incredibly large nipples. I kept my mouth full for a long time. I closed my eyes for just a moment…

I woke up in a very chromish bedroom. I was on my back and naked, but covered past the waist with white silk sheets and propped against two oversized, velvety pillows. I had that just showered feeling and I was completely sober. I've never woken up like this before after consuming even half that amount of alcohol the previous evening. The room was pleasantly cool. Something was humming... like a computer, or an air conditioner. I had a craving for Eggs Benedict.

That's when I heard her voice again, "Hungry tiger?" She was walking in with a breakfast tray containing orange juice, coffee, and… Eggs Benedict! And as sober as I was, she was still one fine looking woman. Close to six feet tall and nothing but curves. Lips that I couldn't believe.

Right behind her was the other one. Just as tall, even more curves, and it was when I saw her lips again that I began to remember… Saturday morning and Saturday night, Sunday morning and Sunday night, Monday morning and Monday night. It was Thursday, or Friday again already.

They had been having sex with me for almost a week now. Coaxing me to ejaculate in every moist orifice they owned. They were expert at it too, incredibly good. So nothing to complain about here right? Two goddesses of sex dressed in very little silk, sliding into bed on either side of me. No problems here right?

But now I remembered more. I realized that for the last five or six days I wasn’t totally conscious. Each orgasm was the first. Each peeled grape they fed me was the first. Nothing registered from one moment to the next until now. Now my brain was starting to click.

Somehow I now knew why. It was something in their breasts. Some kind of a drug. A sedative of sorts that I had been sucking at for almost a week. But it wasn’t affecting me now. Perhaps I had finally built up immunity.

Now in bed as the one fed me alternately with the Eggs Benedict and her delicious lips, while the other one fondled me erect and then had her own version of breakfast, it was like coming out of a fog. I slowly realized who they really were; saw them for what they really were. I saw the blue-green tentacles like so many pachyderm snouts, reaching for me, caressing me. One sucking on my penis!

I scrambled backwards in the bed, my arms and legs flailing and slipping on the sheets. Juice and coffee and eggs were flying everywhere. When I found myself erect against the headboard I looked down to find a half dozen snake-like snouts curled back and looking up at me. I leapt to the floor. Still too shocked to scream, too horrified, too repulsed... I ran out of the chrome bedroom but stopped short, face to face with a little grey man with a turnip shaped head and large black eyes. And when I say black, I mean black – nothing but pupil. He seemed to smile a very friendly smile, and though his thin grey lips never moved, I heard him say right inside my head, with a very familiar European like accent, “I see you’re ready to leave.”

I kind of remember him waving something resembling a hand in my face. I got dizzy and dark, and my legs got all jelly like. I woke up outside the seedy booze can and it was 4am Saturday morning. There was a cockroach coming out of a crack in a brick. But it was one week later, and I soon found out I had lost my job.

So tell me my friend, am I mad? What happened to that week?