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Old 03-23-2007, 12:33 AM
Weaktite77 Weaktite77 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 127
Default Re: weird fold vs kratzer rr pot.

ok so Kratzer is a thinking player, so what is he putting you on when you reraise pre?

big pair, big cards, and air.

OK first of all, how willing are you to continue with air OOP on this flop? I don't know how often you float OOP, but i feel like villian probably thinks you don't do it often. So when you c/c villian can probably eliminate air from your range.

Now lets think about what you would do with something like AK in this situation.
How prone are you to continueing the hand without a diamond in this situation OOP(personally i dont' like it, but i don't know what your willing to do)? continueing in this situaion without a diamond seems pretty much like a float. However, villian probably thinks you would fold without a big diamond.
that leaves an AK type hand with big diamond. With that type of hand, I think a c/c is very bad here, so i would imagine he would think that if you have a big diamond, you would probably c/r (which is probably best),
but since you didn't, AK can now be eliminated from your range.

on this flop, when you check call, it probably means you have a big pair, (there's obv the chance that you could have air, but in his mind its MOST likely big pair)

so when the turn comes, and you check, i think this confirms in his mind that you have a big pair. I think Krazter wants to make a bet that will most look like a bluff (but in actuallity wants to be called). This shove looks like that kind of bet.
I think he has a monster here.

edit: obv. if you have like AKdd he's probablly willing to pay that off.
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