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Old 03-22-2007, 03:01 PM
MurphAK60 MurphAK60 is offline
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Location: Northern Ky (just south of Cincinnati)
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Default ALERT - Cat & Dog Owners - PLEASE READ!

Ladies & Gents:

Please take a moment to review the news on a current recall of cat and dog food produced by Menu Foods, a company that makes pet food for 100 different brands.

If you go to, you'll find info on the recall and a list of brands they make food for. I want to be clear on this, PLEASE if you are feeding your pets any of these brands, go to the brands web site, find out which versions have been made by Menu Foods and STOP FEEDING YOUR PETS THESE PRODUCTS IMMEDIATELY.

Guys, this is bad..this company really dropped a major bomb here. Please check the news, check the website I viewed and check the brand websites of the food you feed your pets.

Alot of animals are's very sad and it's very real. Just don't want you guys to have to suffer from this.

Let me know if you have any questions!
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