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Old 03-21-2007, 09:10 PM
jiacstrap jiacstrap is offline
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Default Re: Anyone heard anything: \"What no one is saying about internet poker\"

well the only reason why i think online is rigged a litle is they want to keep bad players from losing too much money at one time so they kinda of give them breaks were they can win a little by catching lucky cards so that they dont get to discouraged and it keeps them playing for alot longer then they would if they kept busting out and having to re deposit money all the time.

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So your telling me you think someone has the power of labeling a player as a bad one and im gonna give him a straight to crack this guys aces this hand so he doesn't lose too much money. I don't know if I can agree with that. Bad streaks come, and more hands per hour in internet poker equals more of these streaks.
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