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Old 03-21-2007, 05:53 PM
Split Suit Split Suit is offline
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Default Re: Speaking publicly

You could just take beta-blockers if your nervousness seriously hinders your ability to speak well.

Yet another alternative is a visit to your primary care provider to discuss the possible use of medication to help overcome your fear. Drugs called "beta-blockers" are non-habit forming, inexpensive, and can stop the huge rush of adrenaline that occurs with anxiety right before a speech. When taken prior to a performance situation, beta-blockers can help to reduce the physical symptoms related to performance anxiety, including palpitations, hyperventilation, trembling lips, and sweating palms. Also, many anxious speakers and performers prefer beta-blockers to other drugs because they allow them to remain mentally alert, which is not always the case with all medications used to treat anxiety.

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quick u think things like this wud work for poker? for some odd reason i still have a hard time controlling breathing and slight sweat (same issues i get in social anxiety situations...) while playin live poker (no health 6'0", 145lbs, and 20yrs old...). i feel like i look like a fish when i play do these help physically calm you? also, any mental side effex? (wud i have to worry about not thinking in the same light as i do normally?)

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