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Old 03-21-2007, 11:39 AM
StevieG StevieG is offline
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Default Re: Iron Chef OOT 3/8-3/18

Thanks to everyone for the kind words. I've had people ask, so let me describe the asparagus liquid ravioli.

It's inarticulate, but the first thing that came to mind was "cool," and everyone said it. The sensation is a solid ball with a skin, maybe like a water balloon, rolling into your mouth. Then with only a subtle bite, it bursts and the the volume spills out into your mouth. The taste was pure asparagus.

In fact, when I practiced making the spheres, I tried them, and the sensation was great, but the taste was somewhat flat. That's why I seasoned with ground sea salt. It really picked up the flavor. Also, I decided to top with fried shallot. It added another flavor dimension, and some texture.

Visually, you can see from the pictures that it was appealing. A bright green ovoid, contrasted with the brown shallot.

In the end, I still want to call it cool.
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