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Old 03-21-2007, 05:55 AM
seemorenuts seemorenuts is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 317
Default Re: Premonitions, maybe.

This is a true story.

I've never had any nightmare so bad, so terrifying, that I had to tell someone about it with one exception, the following:

I dreamt that my brother was in a serious car accident, it was horrific, he died in great pain. This nightmare occurred 20 years ago.

When I woke up, I immediately phoned my mother, asking her to warn my brother to drive carefully. She never contacted my brother, so there was no possibility of suggestion.

My brother, who lives in another city, had his car totalled that night. He was not injured but he's never had his car damaged in an accident until that day, and he's never since.

I've never come close to wanting to report a nightmare except that one time.


BTW, I have trouble with the phrase "believe in ____" ...

If you are an airforce pilot and you've seen a UFO, what's to believe in? It's unidentified, it's flying, and it's an object.

When you report it to civilians, what's the issue re belief?

I realize UFOs are slightly different... but you "know what I'm sayin'?"

Someone please give me a link to a great UFO thread!?
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