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Old 03-21-2007, 04:33 AM
Genz Genz is offline
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Default Re: 50NL - TPTK facing heat on river.

You are oop with your hand. If villain is raising light, as his stats strongly suggest, you should reraise preflop.
The flop is pretty coordinated. Considering villain's stats, he will raise a lot of suited connectors. This is not a good spot for check/calling, imo.
And if villain is such a donk and will call with AJ here, he will probably bet it himself. Why do you want to risk a raise on this board by betting out. If I played the hand like you up to that point, I'd check/call again.

The river is probably a fold. He could be bluffing a whiffed flushdraw, though. But you only beat another A and a weaker 2pair like A7, A6. Your river bet was pretty small and weak looking. So you might have induced a bluff. I'd consider how often he goes to showdown, how many winners he has shown yet and his river aggression and then I'd make a decision based on that.
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