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Old 03-21-2007, 04:23 AM
fleece_me fleece_me is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 293
Default Re: Password Security Suggestion--Key Fobs

LOL. You cited a phishing attack and a man in the middle attack. Both are flaws with the INTERNET, not dongles.

Also, show me one poker client based phishing attempt. Also why dont the poker sites allow to restrict client login by MAC address? Also, why haven't you been banned for lying and saying there are only 5 hack attempts against online poker accounts since the beginning of time? Also - why do you make [censored] up?

You work for a bunch of very rich, very powerful jewish businessmen that do not want to spend the money to protect their players. And why should they? It is what it is. Quit pretending that hardware tokens don't work.

They work.

They are better than anything else out there.

Yes the token can be intercepted. Yes the token can be entered into a fake website.

and Yes, this has nothing to do with how well these key fobs work.

Please STFU and quit lying to people.

E-trade and Paypal chose this technology why exactly? I can't believe they didn't consult with you first. You could of saved them a small fortune if they could of just heard you tell them they didn't work.
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