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Old 03-21-2007, 02:18 AM
luckyme luckyme is offline
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Default Re: Premonitions, maybe.

Finally and for the record, both Brian and I were sober that night. (No chemicals other than cigarettes for me and none at all for him.)

So, do I believe in psychics or premonitions? Not necessarily, but I don't rule 'em out. I will say I've never been able to figure out a satisfactory alternative explanation for the above.


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Several times in my life I've answered the phone and "...blah, blah, everything ok with you?"
"yep, why"
"oh, I just had this strong feeling that you were in trouble/sick/hurt.."
You'd think they would have been right once by now, and you can be sure they'll be walking on air the one time they finally are and won't count ( or likely remember) all the times they were wrong.

Our minds throw all sorts of emotions/feeling our way for reasons sometimes based on cheese. The times something occurs that connects in some way to the feeling seems significant to us.
There are a variety of ending to your friends experience, all of which would have seemed related. You may have gotten to his mom's and she was sick, his slowing down may have caused some drunk kid to rear-end him, a tire may blow ( he may have felt that unconsciously), there could have been a car stalled around that curve partly in your side, he may have glimpsed a stump that looked like a deer near the road and realized the danger that corner posed for the unexpected,etc.

There are times I'm going to feel lucky, there are times I'm going to feel down for no apparent reason. It would be bizarre for no good news or bad news to ever arrive around the time of such a feeling.

It's similar to how cold-reading works for the psychics -
"I see an M near you..."

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