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Old 03-21-2007, 02:10 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: South South Texas
Posts: 656
Default My first ms paint

ms paint inspired/collage inspired by this thread on animal activist

Pokey the polar bear was rescued from the wild after the death of his mother in a hunting accident (got shot, and his father was a dead beat living it up at the sandiego zoo

peta thought they should kill the bear by lethal injection instead of making him a pet, so they protested until he was turned over then they set out to kill him

Pokey got lucky when tx redman stumbled upon him, amd at the last minute switched his leathel injection with steriods and stole him from peta

despite the one time injection of steriods Pokey was in bad shape, so txredman offered to put him on his 16 week challenge and buffed him up
Pokey then changed his name to Poke Hogan and became a bad ass.

Poke Hogan then set out to get revenge on the members of Peta for trying to kill him.

After this Poke Hogan Started a band named POLAR and wrote a record about his life and became an overnight star and made millions

Poke soon got tired of the strippers keg parties, pot and beer, and decided he wanted to return to the wild so he sold all his stuff and bought a refuge in alaska and set sail

Poke spent the last few years enjoying the wilderness and found a fav new hobby

the end
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