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Old 03-20-2007, 11:07 PM
Rekwob Rekwob is offline
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Default Re: LOL, Donkaments.

sorry to get back to talking about the OP, but I guess I needed some clarification

basically you're saying, if you have a big enough bankroll that you're not going broke any time soon and therefore overrolled for $1k buyins, just play big tourneys, because the others are just a waste of time, you'll still profit around as much, having put in much less work

i kind of agree, but when you get to the top in online tournament poker, there are so few tournaments really worth playing (100r+ and the sundays), that a lot of pros spend their time needlessly playing 10rs etc, because they've spent so much time playing constantly that they dont know how to take time off, for pocketfives points, just for something to do or just because variance really sucks

i play tournaments all week because my records for sunday/wcoop/ftops events is played 111, down 20k. add down another 8k in 66 stupers, and well you get it, id have been pretty pissed by now if id just played them so, "because the other 90% of the tourneys you enter only exist to make you feel better about the variance of the tournaments that matter." this, while true, is good enough reason for me.

however, if when you mean bankroll, you mean rolled to play 200/400 NL, or something equally high, then yeah, you're right, and i have no idea why these people do this, other than for pocketfives points, which by now im thinking this is a shot at, but ill just leave this in case my first thought was right

btw, i know you thought i was kwob20s second account or something jeff, dunno whether that was real or a joke, no problem either way (although i was more flattered a few months ago than now), just in case, i have the same last name, and thats it, i spoke to him once when i was on the same table as him on stars the first time, we live in different continents and i played my first stars tourney over a year before him
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