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Old 03-20-2007, 09:07 PM
Scotty. Scotty. is offline
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Location: Vancouver, BC
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Default Scotty wants go get cut - log

After reading this forum for a few days, I've gotten inspired, and want to get cut.

Currently 5'11 and 207lbs according to scale today.

Previous bad habits include:
buying tons of frozen dinners, pizza pops, frozen pizzas etc.
drinking heavily (6-12 drinks) 2-3 times per week
hitting the gym 1-2 times per month
little to no cardio exercise

Before pic:

Lose 15-20lbs to get to target weight of between 185-190lbs
Re-evaluate body image once target weight has been achieved
Improve strength and cardio conditioning

I'm kind of unsure of my current strength levels, as I haven't tried to max out anything in a while. At the end of last summer, I had done the following, which were not my 1-rep max
Bench: 205
Squat: 225
Dead: 225

I am not necessarily looking to improve on those yet (though maybe later). I plan to do lower weights in reps of 5-8 and really focus on technique. I am working with a 4-day cycle.
Day 1 - Chest/Triceps
Day 2 - Legs
Day 3 - Shoulders
Day 4 - Back/Biceps
I do 3 sets of about 4-6 of the typical exercises you would expect for those muscles each day. At the end of the workout, I will often throw in an intense 6 minute ab workout, and/or a 20+ min cycle or run with my heart rate in the 160-165 range.

Foods: Lots of chicken, cereal, flaxseed bread, occasional steak, skim milk, cereal, yogurt, brown rice, occasional canned soup, bananas. My willpower isn't great, and I know I will deviate from this, but it is a huge improvement from what I used to do. I will also cut back my drinking to hopefully once every week or two.

Standard multivitamin
Whey Protein
ECA stack - trying 2 weeks on, 2 off, 2 on as an experiment and to help with weightloss. Will re-evaluate this after 6 weeks.

This program is obviously far from perfect, as I pretty much designed it myself as a combination of tons of advice given to tons of different people for different reasons. Any comments or suggestions for changes/improvements greatly appreciated.
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