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Old 03-20-2007, 03:40 PM
XXXNoahXXX XXXNoahXXX is offline
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Default Re: Your Mental Approach to Spending

Since I am a student, I don't really have an income beyond loan and scholarship checks.

Therefore, whatever money I win from poker is mine to spend on dumb [censored]......unless I win a lot at a time and then I pay off my credit cards. Of course I could pay off a little here and there without these big scores, but thats no fun.

I figure, I'm making like $0 now, but in a few years I could be making 6 figures, so whats the point in stressing about paying off a few K now when I can just wait and pay it off in a month then.

Also, despite being in debt for like 10k to credit cards and more than that for college/law school, I have taken two trips to Europe, one to Cali, one to St. Maarten, and bunch of random trips here and there. Of course the sensible thing to do would be pay off debt, but again I figure I'd rather spend money now and enjoy my youth and pay for it later.

I wish there was somehow to get just a random loan to live off of, because if it wasn't for wanting to start a family some time in the future, I wish I could "retire" for ten years now.

How much better would it be to retire from 20-30 and then 75-85, instead of 65-85? Unfortunately, this isn't the case, so the least I can do is take a few trips with family and friends and enjoy life now.

Also, even if I ended up at some huge firm making $150k+ in a few years, I wouldn't all of sudden live some lavish lifestyle. I live with my gf in a nice studio now, and I'd either want to stay here or maybe just get a nice little 1br or something. I want to pay off my debt as soon as possible, allowing me the most freedom for job choice, etc.
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